From now through the end of February, Concordia Library users will have access to the streaming music database Naxos Music Library. Naxos is the world´s largest online classical music library and offers streaming
access to more than 79,660 CDs with more than 1,143,200 songs - both standard
and rare repertoire - covering classical, jazz, and world music.
Professors can create and edit playlists that will be available to the
general subscription populace. If you are a professor and are interested in this functionality, email Music Liaison Jennifer Carlson ( or Electronic Resources Librarian Greg Argo ( for details and access instructions.
The number of simultaneous users is limited to 10 and the trial ends on February 28th, 2013.
Direct URL:
Friday, December 7, 2012
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
New Database! Literature Resource Center
The CSP Library is pleased to announce a new database subscription that will serve as the go-to resource for literary criticism and information about authors and literary movements: Literature Resource Center from Gale. You will be able to find this database under the title Literature Resource Center in the Databases A-Z and Databases by Subject lists, as well as in various Subject Guides.
"Full-text articles from scholarly journals
and literary magazines are combined with critical essays, work and topic
overviews, full-text works, biographies, and more to provide a wealth of
information on authors, their works, and literary movements"
Monday, October 22, 2012
Databases Trials: Criminal Justice Abstracts With Full Text and SocIndex with Full Text
About Criminal Justice Abstracts with Full Text:
Criminal Justice Abstracts with Full Text™ is the full-text counterpart of Criminal Justice Abstracts™, formerly a SAGE database. This resource includes bibliographic records and full text covering essential areas related to criminal justice and criminology. The increasing globalization of criminology is reflected in Criminal Justice Abstracts with Full Text’s coverage of hundreds of journals from around the world.
About SocIndex with Full Text:
SocINDEX™ with Full Text is the world's most comprehensive and highest-quality sociology research database. Its extensive scope and content provide users with a wealth of extremely useful information encompassing the broad spectrum of sociological study. The database features more than 2.1 million records with subject headings from a 20,000+ term sociological thesaurus designed by subject experts and expert lexicographers.
SocINDEX with Full Text contains full text for 890 journals dating back to 1908. This database also includes full text for more than 850 books and monographs, and full text for over 16,800 conference papers.Both trials end December 31st. Send feedback to Subject Liaison Karen Brunner: or to the Reference Staff:
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
New Resource: ProQuest Dissertations & Theses
The CSP Library is excited to announce that they now offer ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, which supplies over 3 million searchable citations to dissertation and theses from around the world from 1861 to the present day together with over 1 million full-text dissertations that are available for download in PDF format. Most dissertations published since 1997 are in full-text, and roughly 80,000 new dissertations are added each year.
Find under the entry ProQuest Dissertations & Theses on our Databases A-Z page, or access via the direct URL:
Find under the entry ProQuest Dissertations & Theses on our Databases A-Z page, or access via the direct URL:
Literature Database Trials: Literature Resource Center & MLA International Bibliography
Through the month of October, the CSP Library is offering a trial to two different literature database resources, Literature Resource Center and MLA International Bibliography. Find them at the following URLs:
- Literature Resource Center:
- MLA International Bibliography:
The Literature Resource Center is filled with critical, biographical and contextual content which includes full-text articles from scholarly journals and literary magazines combined with critical essays, work and topic overviews, full-text works, biographies, and more to provide a wealth of information on authors, their works, and literary movements
The MLA International Bibliography provides searchable access to more than 2 million bibliographic citations to journal articles, books, dissertations, and scholarly websites. It indexes materials from 1921 to the present in disciplines such as language, literature, folklore, linguistics, literary theory and criticism, and the dramatic arts.
Contact with feedback. Trial Ends: October 31st
Database Trial: Sports Medicine and Exercise Science in Video
For the month of October, the CSP Library is offering a trial of the database Sports Medicine and Exercise Science in Video at the following URL:
This is an extensive video collection covering the areas of fitness and health assessment, disease management, injury treatment, nutrition, medical fitness, sport science, work-site wellness, exercise adherence, and much more. Developed through an exclusive partnership with Healthy Learning, the world’s leading producer of sports medicine videos.
Contact with feedback. Trial Ends: October 31st
This is an extensive video collection covering the areas of fitness and health assessment, disease management, injury treatment, nutrition, medical fitness, sport science, work-site wellness, exercise adherence, and much more. Developed through an exclusive partnership with Healthy Learning, the world’s leading producer of sports medicine videos.
Contact with feedback. Trial Ends: October 31st
Thursday, September 13, 2012
The CSP Library Launches 24/7 Reference Chat Service
| The CSP Library has launched a Reference Chat Service that can answer your questions 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Moving on from the discontinued Meebo service, the library has become part of the AskMN Chat Cooperative. Concordia Librarians will field your questions during normal Reference Hours when they are available to chat. When a CSP Librarian isn't on duty or is away from the desk, your chat question will be picked up by a knowledgeable and qualified librarian (usually with a minimum of 5 years Reference experience) who has access to details about our resource collections and policies. Look for the Chat Widget in our Subject Guides and in WorldCat Local Search Results, and use the full screen Chat Form at the Library Home page under Ask a Librarian. The full screen chat form has more useful features than the Widget, including a Web Browser that is fully functional and which will automatically navigate to URLs that the librarian passes along. |
New Resource,
Thursday, August 30, 2012
When is the Library Open?
You can always find the Library Hours for the current week at the top right of the Library Homepage, running horizontally.
To find out what hours are beyond the current week - including holiday and break hours - click on the More Hours link.
Starting on Tuesday, September 4th, regular academic year hours will be in effect. This means the library and Circulation Desk is open:
Monday-Thursday: 7:45 AM - 11:00 PMThe Reference Desk is open and staffed by a Reference Librarian to answer research questions:
Friday: 7:45 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturday: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Sunday: 1:00 PM - 11:00 PM
Monday-Thursday: 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Friday: 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Saturday: 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Sunday: 4:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
CSP Library Now Subscribes to CINAHL Plus with Full Text - The Premier Nursing, Health and Allied Services Database
We are happy to announce that the CSP Library now subscribes to CINAHL Plus with Full Text, the premier nursing, health, and allied services database available. From the EBSCOhost Web site:
It provides full text for more than 770 journals indexed in CINAHL®, including many of the most-used journals in the index—with no embargo. Of those, 464 are not found with full text in any version of Academic Search™, Health Source® or Nursing & Allied Health Collection™. Offering complete coverage of English-language nursing journals and publications from the National League for Nursing and the American Nurses' Association, CINAHL covers nursing, biomedicine, health sciences librarianship, alternative/complementary medicine, consumer health and 17 allied health disciplines. In addition, this authoritative file offers access to health care books, nursing dissertations, selected conference proceedings, standards of practice, educational software, audiovisuals and book chapters.Locate this database via our Databases A-Z or Databases by Subject List, found on the Library homepage under Research Tools, or via this direct link: CINAHL Plus with Full Text (EBSCO).
Monday, August 6, 2012
New ebrary Subscription Gives Access to 75,000 Academic eBook Titles
On July 1st, the CSP Library became a subscriber to the ebrary Academic Complete collection of eBooks, which provides access to over 75,000 eBooks from a wide variety of academic disciplines:
View these books using your Web browser through the ebrary interface or download the book to use offline. Help for downloading and using ebrary eBooks with an eReader can be found here:
Downloading and using ebrary books on your eReader requires that you create a personal ebrary account (at no cost) and install Adobe Digital Editions software. ebrary books can't be downloaded to Kindle. iPod and iPad use requires additional software:
New Resource,
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Wikipedia: educational curse or blessing?
Ah, the world of Wikipedia:
" a recent piece on Dutch architect Rem Koolhaas in the New York Review of Books critic Martin Filler made several factual errors. When the architect complained, Filler petulantly replied, “I am surprised that for someone so concerned about his image and the spread of misinformation, neither Koolhaas nor his office has bothered to correct his Wikipedia entry.” (Adams, Cecil, "Is Wikipedia more reliable than the Encyclopaedia Britannica?")
Anyone who follows Wikipedia stories sees stuff like this all the time. The site sometimes seems to have turned the world upside down.
That said, I think that there is a lot to appreciate about Wikipedia. After all, where else can you read about every episode from the Star Trek series, just to satisfy your curiosity? And as Cecil Adams says, what better place to go to settle bar bets?
Seriously though, what about the world of formal education? What kind of place does Wikipedia have there?
I think educators should be imaginative when it comes to using Wikipedia with their students. In fact, I gave a talk attempting to show just how useful Wikipedia could be to educators* (based on this paper ; slide show here). As Adams points out, Wikipedia is a great place for "getting an initial fix on a serious research subject" - or, in other words, getting "your bearings" or "the lay of the land". Wikipedia also has strict rules about writing entries using information from [primary and secondary] sources generally considered to be reliable, so the citations and endnotes at the bottom of the page can also be good places to get started with research. The recently produced infographic above gives you a sense of what people are citing in Wikipedia ("MySpace" and "Facebook" are probably used for popular bands - the citing of search engines is more problematic).
As Adams notes about the goals of "Wikipedians", "providing a starting point for further investigation is all nondelusional Wikipedia editors aspire to accomplish."
In other words, Wikipedia, like any encyclopedia, is great for "presearch" - but, of course, a terrible place to end. Adams again: "The problem is when even those who know better rely on Wikipedia as the last step rather than the first in finding the facts."
So, is it ever OK to cite a Wikipedia entry? As a general rule of thumb, no. But I would suggest that if you are a recognized authority on a particular topic (few of us, I know) and come across an entry in Wikipedia that beautifully sums up some actual knowledge that you have, citing it, in this instance, can be very appropriate. It all has to do with having more advanced knowledge. And of course, most people who have this knowledge are constantly going beyond Wikipedia - and the internet, for that matter.
* - for a) developing solid research skills, b) thinking critically about the nature of authority and evidence, and c) producing persuasive written and oral arguments (guidance needed of course)
Image credit:
Monday, June 18, 2012
Google Books, Copyright, and Research
Just a couple weeks ago, a judge ruled that "authors can sue Google in a class-action lawsuit over its plan to create the world's largest digital book library..."
I'm glad that the lawsuit will be moving forward - and I also expect that when the dust clears, Google will be successful in at least keeping Google Book Search as it is.
That would be great for serious researchers, because as it stands now, Google Book Search is an amazing tool. Note what a professor at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis has to say about it:
has offered up another new toy for analyzing texts. I’ve been growing in my
appreciation for Google Books and its controversial program of scanning in old
books because it makes available, sometimes in pdf form, out-of-print texts
which are not easy to locate. So now when doing research it is quite easy to
track down footnotes, whereas in the past one had to copy the reference down,
trudge over to the library, fill out an ILL slip, hope our librarians found a
library willing to lend a 150 year old book, and then wait for it to arrive.
Instead of weeks of hoping to get a glimpse of a page, now often you can find
things instantly, delivered right to your desktop. (No, I don’t get paid by
Google for my posts).”[i]
I did a presentation on Google Books
earlier this year in which I talked about it in the context of copyright law, research, and
data-mining - see here for the whole paper (there were technical difficulties and I had to give my presentation without my PowerPoint, as can be seen in the picture someone snapped below : ) ) In the research section, I pointed out some of the plusses* of Google Book Search for research:
- Check to see if a specific book covers something you’re interested in
- Find out which books cite the journal article you are interested in
- Cut down on interlibrary loan usage
- Discover rare texts and those with small print runs
- Highly granular searching: easily find historical concepts that are not easily located using simple library subject headings.
- Discover unknown authors’ and works….
- And of course… access to stuff that previously only libraries had… (picking out the “best of the best” – decades of collection development work by top-ranked libraries)
· Minuses? No authority control (i.e. controlled vocabulary), OCR without human help (resulting in scans that are not fully searchable), flawed dates, classification errors, mismatched titles and authors, Gov doc issues, multi-volume issues,
and scanning errors.
Google Book Search - a helpful but only supplementary tool in your research toolkit!
[i] Kloha, Jeff,
“Words, Words, Words”, Concordia Theology
(blog), December 21, 2010, (6:00 a.m.),
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Current Google developments
Even as Google
is now taking down 250,000 links per week due to copyright infringement
(more than fifty times the amount it took down in 2009 alone), it also seems
eager to make its ever-popular search engine all the more appealing and useful.
It recently released a video describing its new “Knowledge
Graph”, which Alex Madrigal, writing
in the Atlantic, says “makes the process of Googling something faster, easier,
and better”. Here is that video:
Interestingly, Google has also just re-launched a site that
attempts to help instructors to teach about “information literacy”. It is called “Google
Search Education”, and at the site, one will find lesson
plans about “picking the right search terms”, “narrowing a search to get
the best results”, “evaluating credibility of sources” and more.
(note that Concordia’s library has done some videos regarding
these things as well. See the tabs on
our help
page – here is the tab for research
steps in particular – I’ll be interested in seeing how they compare!)
In addition, Google's Daniel Russell, their "Uber Tech Lead for Search Quality and User Happiness" (yes, this is his job title), recently did a talk at Princeton: "What Does It Mean To Be Literate in the Age of Google?" It may be worth your time.
In addition, Google's Daniel Russell, their "Uber Tech Lead for Search Quality and User Happiness" (yes, this is his job title), recently did a talk at Princeton: "What Does It Mean To Be Literate in the Age of Google?" It may be worth your time.
As to how we might begin to address the notion that Google
is the best source for everything, I think the following analogy may be a
useful place to start: information
is food.
Hat tips:
;;; and
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Librarian-Conqueror @ CSP library
You would probably not think that one of the world's first librarians was also the ruler of the world's then-Superpower.
But such is the case!
Here are some interesting clips from the Wikipedia article on this cruel (the Assyrians were known for this) yet cultured man, Ashurbanipal (685 BC – c. 627 BC), evidently known in the Bible as Asenappar:
Image credits: ,, and
Please note: the library does not advise citing Wikipedia in scholarly papers!
But such is the case!
Here are some interesting clips from the Wikipedia article on this cruel (the Assyrians were known for this) yet cultured man, Ashurbanipal (685 BC – c. 627 BC), evidently known in the Bible as Asenappar:
"He established the first systematically organized library in the ancient Middle East,[3] the Library of Ashurbanipal, which survives in part today at Nineveh
....He was one of the few kings who could read the cuneiform script in Akkadian and Sumerian, and claimed that he even read texts from before the great flood.... During his reign he collected cuneiform texts from all over Mesopotamia, and especially Babylonia, in the library in Nineveh....[19]
....The Library of Ashurbanipal at Nineveh is perhaps the most compelling discovery in the Ancient Near East. There have been over 30,000 clay tablets uncovered in Ashurbanipal’s library,[20] providing archaeologists with an amazing wealth of Mesopotamian literary, religious and administrative work. Among the findings was the Enuma Elish, also known as the Epic of Creation,[21] which depicts a traditional Babylonian view of creation.... Also found in Nineveh, The Epic of Gilgamesh[22]
....The library also included hymns and prayers, medical, mathematical, ritual, divinatory and astrological texts, alongside all sorts of administrative documents, letters and contracts. The discovery of these tablets in the mid-nineteenth century by Hormuzd Raasam provided the modern world its first detailed glimpse of the languages and literature of ancient Mesopotamia. Ashurbanipal had a fascination with the past, and during his forty-two year reign he sponsored the collection and copying of older texts for his library at Nineveh.[23]Concordia has a relief of Ashurbanipal, who is on a lion-hunt, that will be mounted in the basement of the library - we hope in the near future. It closely resembles the picture below:
....Other genres found during excavations included standard lists used by scribes and scholars, word lists, bilingual vocabularies, lists of signs and synonyms, lists of medical diagnoses, astronomic/astrological texts. The scribal texts proved to be very helpful in deciphering cuneiform.[19]
Image credits: ,, and
Please note: the library does not advise citing Wikipedia in scholarly papers!
Thursday, May 3, 2012
More eBooks Available For Trial: ebrary Academic Complete
Try ebrary Academic Complete! This trial provides access to all 74, 692 eBook titles in this collection, which is comprised of a multidisciplinary array of academically focused titles from the last 10 years. Trial ends on June 3rd.
All books can be viewed in the ebrary interface using a Web browser. In addition, these titles can be downloaded for offline use. Some only allow one chapter to be downloaded (output as a PDF), while others can be downloaded in full and transferred to a peripheral eReader (excluding Kindles). To download and transfer a book to your eReader, you will need to sign up for an ebrary account and have Adobe Digital Editions installed on your computer. Offline checkouts are terminated after 14 days.
We also have a Trial to a similar collection in EBSCO: Trial the eBook Academic Collection from EBSCO
Send feedback on either or both of these Trials to
All books can be viewed in the ebrary interface using a Web browser. In addition, these titles can be downloaded for offline use. Some only allow one chapter to be downloaded (output as a PDF), while others can be downloaded in full and transferred to a peripheral eReader (excluding Kindles). To download and transfer a book to your eReader, you will need to sign up for an ebrary account and have Adobe Digital Editions installed on your computer. Offline checkouts are terminated after 14 days.
We also have a Trial to a similar collection in EBSCO: Trial the eBook Academic Collection from EBSCO
Send feedback on either or both of these Trials to
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Textbooks in the News
There is no doubt about it: textbooks are giving lots of
people headaches lately. Concordia’s
student newspaper, the Sword,
recently featured a thoughtful piece by Kristi Loobeek: “I Want My Money Back:
Buying Books You Never Use” (more on this article below).
I’m quite confident that students have been voicing
complaints about having to purchase under-utilized textbooks for a long
time. That said, perhaps because of what
we now know about the possibilities that the internet presents, these negative
feelings have been exacerbated.
Interestingly, there have been a few recent stories of
note in the major media about textbook issues:
- This article notes how paying for textbooks has become a large burden for students in these financially-strapped times, and so “the University of Minnesota is launching an online project to hunt down free textbooks to replace the pricey ink-and-paper versions… [They] will review open-source textbooks and collect the ones that pass muster in an online catalog… [and] faculty will be paid $500 to write a review of an open-source textbook.” (also note the U of MN. already has a used and rental program). To see some free online textbooks, go here.
- Many students buy and sell their textbooks online, using sites like and However, note that foreign students who buy textbooks produced overseas have been sued by the publishers for then selling them in the United States! This article talks about how Supreme Court recently took up a case in which this happened.
(both of the above stories were found here:
- Finally, Apple is getting into the game. This article notes how some Chicago-area school districts are turning to iPads to cut textbook costs. Textbooks through Apple, the article notes, can be purchased cheaply, and these tablets can “embed video and audio, provide interactive materials that prompt students to answer questions”. Many districts are allowing students to take the iPads home as well. The article about the U. of MN above also states that “Apple is expected to enter the college market soon… where publishers create multimedia textbooks for the iPad”
So there is a lot of textbook-stuff going on!
In the Sword
article, Loobeek talks about being required to by books that she says “turned
out to be completely excessive”, wasting hundreds of dollars. She makes a convincing case that she really
did not get a good bang for her buck.
Near the end of her article, she mentions how the library at UW-Stout
rents out textbooks from the library every year. I went to UW-La Crosse, and there they also
rented out all the textbooks – but through the bookstore, not the library.
Currently, Concordia’s library accepts textbooks as
donations, but has a policy of not spending book budget funds on
textbooks. The reason for this is
primarily because it is not the best stewardship of our limited resources: textbooks
are expensive and new editions are constantly being released. Even if we bought just one for each class, only
one person from the class would be able to use it at once.
In any case, I for one commend Loobeek on a thoughtful
article that will hopefully get a larger conversation going. Hopefully, better solutions can be found for
the students at Concordia.
Image credit:
Monday, April 23, 2012
Trial the eBook Academic Collection from EBSCO
If you're looking for a few last minute eBooks to finish off your research this semester, try our trial of the eBook Academic Collection from EBSCO. The trial contains 50,000 of the 70,000 books in the collection and covers an interdisciplinary array of academically focused books published over the last ten years.
Also, click here to search both the trial titles and the 16,000 eBooks we already own via EBSCOhost simultaneously.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
eBook Pricing, Libraries, and You
At this blog, we will occasionally be posting things about current events we think you might find interesting (also see our Twitter feed for more things like this:!/csplibrary)
Note: any opinions expressed in the following quotes do not necessarily reflect the views of Concordia library's staff.
On scholarly
publishers selling books to libraries (and similar institutions) at high prices:
“Scholarly publishers have made the trade-off between offering a very low price
to a very large market or a very high price to a very small market.” --
On popular e-Book
publishers selling e-Books to libraries at high prices: “…despite the
obvious ugliness of charging obscene amounts for the purpose of making books available
to the public, one can see that the publishers’ backs are against the wall. Any
concession at all is to be, if not admired, at least understood as a difficult
and possibly disastrous course of action.” --
On popular e-Book publishers
selling e-Books to everyone at high[er] prices: “Amazon was using e-book
discounting to destroy bookselling, making it uneconomic for physical
bookstores to keep their doors open... Two years after the agency model came to
bookselling, Amazon is losing its chokehold on the e-book market: its share has
fallen from about 90 percent to roughly 60 percent... Brick-and-mortar
bookstores are starting to compete through their partnership with Google, so
loyal customers can buy e-books from them at the same price as they would from
Amazon. Direct-selling authors have also benefited, as Amazon more than doubled
its royalty rates in the face of competition... The irony bites hard: our
government may be on the verge of killing real competition in order to save the
appearance of competition.” --Scott Turow, president of the Authors Guild
quoted @
In other words, even though eBooks were cheaper two years ago,
no one could compete with Amazon’s low pricing, creating a monopoly-like
situation. Apple and others sought to overcome this with
their “agency [pricing] model”, and did.
Now the U.S. Department of Justice has sued Apple and others (for
more explanation, see here)
Hat Tip:
(for first two links)
Image credit:
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
"Follies of Science" Book Talk by Eric Dregni on Wednesday, April 11 at Noon
Where’s my jetpack? Robot servants? Hovercrafts? Follies of Science explores the utopian promises and other bizarre predictions that never came true: radium suppositories, blimp superhighways, mile high buildings, and foam homes. Professor Eric Dregni and his brother Jonathan Dregni will show yesterdays’ visions of the future.
Join the Library as we celebrate National Library Week (April 8-14) with a book talk and multimedia presentation by author and Concordia professor Eric Dregni (and his brother Jonathan). This will take place on the Main Level of the Library Technology Center on Wednesday, April 11th at Noon.
Join the Library as we celebrate National Library Week (April 8-14) with a book talk and multimedia presentation by author and Concordia professor Eric Dregni (and his brother Jonathan). This will take place on the Main Level of the Library Technology Center on Wednesday, April 11th at Noon.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Visit the Bunce Island “Slave Castle” Exhibit in Concordia’s Library
“Because of its many important links to North America, Bunce
Island is arguably the most important site in Africa for the United States”.
Such is the claim of the exhibit currently able to be seen
in the Concordia library. It is entitled
“Bunce Island: A British Slave Castle in Sierra Leone”.
Having checked out the exhibit, I highly recommend that you
visit it if you get the opportunity.
Bunce Island is located in Sierra Leone (“Lion Mountain”) in
Africa, named for the mountainous peninsula that is visible for many miles
along the W. African Coast. On the island
was one of forty "slave castles" that operated in Africa during the heyday of
chattel slavery. Between the years of
1670-1807 some 30,000 Africans were held captive there.
Those who were captured were from the “Rice Coast”, which is
the rice-growing region of West Africa. Slave
auction posters from Charleston, S.C. and Savannah, Georgia (where many of
these slaves ended up – their descendants are called the “Gullah” people), tout
this fact, since slaves who had the technical knowledge of rice-farming were in
The exhibit also brings several other interesting things to
our attention, including some disturbing details of how and why slaves were captured
and treated, the requirement that the slave traders leasing the island (from an
African King) be married to local women (so they could be spied on), the
connections between some influential American revolutionaries and the Bunce
Island "enterprise", “homecomings” of some of the slave’s descendants who have
recently traveled back to the island, and current efforts to preserve the castle on the island.
Take the time to learn more about Bunce Island, made possible by the
Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund and other supporters.
Image from:
Friday, March 2, 2012
Spring Break Library Hours
![]() |
"Spring Melt" by Sharon Barr |
Saturday, March 3rd - Sunday, March 4th: Closed
Monday, March 5th - Thursday, March 8th: 9:00 AM - 7 PM
Friday, March 9th: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturday, March 10th: Closed
Sunday: March 11th: 6:00 PM - 11:00 PM
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Origins of the Word "Book"
"For a long time papyrus was the medium of choice. The word is believed to be of Egyptian origin, as is the plant. The Greeks referred to papyrus as byblos, after Byblus, the Phoenician City that was a center of papyrus exportation. Hence we have the Greek word for book, biblion, which in turn gave us the English word "bible," "The Book."Henry Petroski - from The Book on the Bookshelf
Available via CLICnet:
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
WorldCat Day Webinar Archived
If you missed one of our instructional sessions about how to use the new search interface WorldCat on on WorldCat Day a few weeks back, you can view a recording of one of the Web-based sessions at the following link. Allow 5 minutes for video to load and buffer.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Wednesday, February 8th: Join the Library for WorldCat Day
Please join the Library for WorldCat Day on Wednesday, February 8th. The Library will be offering training sessions on our powerful new search interface WorldCat Local, which allows simultaneous searching of content from both the CLICnet catalog and various article databases. Training sessions led by CSP Librarian Greg Argo will take place in the main level of the library at 11:15 AM, 12:15 PM, and 1:15 PM. If you'd prefer to participate remotely, join an online session via WebEx led by CSP Librarian Nathan Rinne at either 10:15 AM or 12:15 PM by following the instructions at the following link:
Registration for sessions is not required. Students, faculty, and staff are all encouraged to come and learn.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
The CSP Library Goes Mobile
Look up the library's hours, find our location, search for books and articles, and keep abreast of library happenings, all via your smartphone.
If you are using a mobile phone, your device will be detected automatically and directed to the mobile site. If you are using a tablet, you should not be redirected to the mobile site. If you are, there is a link to the Full Site at the bottom of the mobile site which will take you to the full Library Web site.
Preview the mobile site on your full-sized computer (in Chrome and Safari only) at the following URL:
Send feedback to
If you are using a mobile phone, your device will be detected automatically and directed to the mobile site. If you are using a tablet, you should not be redirected to the mobile site. If you are, there is a link to the Full Site at the bottom of the mobile site which will take you to the full Library Web site.
Preview the mobile site on your full-sized computer (in Chrome and Safari only) at the following URL:
Send feedback to
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Art Full Text Gets a New Interface - Now Part of EBSCO
Art Full Text is now provided by EBSCOhost instead of WIlsonWeb. Please update your bookmarks to,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=aft
Friday, January 13, 2012
How Do I...? Use the Library's Short Help Videos to Learn Quickly
What is peer-reviewed research? How do I use these tools offered on the library Website? Where do I begin research? How do I login from off-campus? These answers and many more can now be answered via our new Help section. Consisting largely of short videos answering specific questions, the help area s organized into the following sections:
The Help section can be accessed either from the top menu under Help or under the "For Students" Focus Area under the "How Do I...?" link.
- Starting Points
- Finding Resources
- Research Steps
- Logging In
- Citing Sources
The Help section can be accessed either from the top menu under Help or under the "For Students" Focus Area under the "How Do I...?" link.
Group Study Rooms: Keep 'Em Clean
Here are a few simple rules to follow when using a group study room:
- Sign up for a room at the Reference Desk. If all rooms look full, ask at the Reference Desk anyway. CSP students have priority over non-CSP students.
- Use the trash cans inside the rooms to dispose of your trash. If the can in your room is full, please throw your garbage in one of the many trash cans in and around the library. If your trash is recyclable, please recycle it.
- If you spill something, let someone on the library staff know.
- The walls are not soundproof. Being in a group study room doesn't mean you can be as loud as you want. Make sure you respect your fellow library users with your noise level.
- Turn the lights off on your way out. They do not turn off automatically.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Search and Walk Around at the Same Time With Mobile Databases
Some of our database providers (EBSCO, JSTOR, Sage, and others) have gone the extra mile and created mobile versions of their databases for use on your mobile devices. If you'd like to see how these work, find the full list at the Databases A-Z page on the library's Web site, or go there right now.
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