All of the Muslim Journeys events below will be held in Concordia University’s Buenger Education Center.
26, 2013, 7:00 pm: Immigrants and Spiritual Pluralism in America and The Experiences of a Muslim Immigrant.
Dr. Butler, author of Religion
in Colonial America, will provide us with historical background on the development
of religion in America. He reminds us
that we as a people have always been religiously diverse; religious pluralism
is a central part of what defines us as Americans. As each new wave of immigrants settled in our
communities, new challenges for understanding these new belief systems
presented themselves. The First
Amendment and the unique protection it provides nurtured a “spiritual pluralism
unlike that found in any society on either side of the Atlantic or Pacific” (Religion in America, p. 141).
Dr. Bruce Corrie will then present a few demographic
highlights of immigrants in our own community.
Dr. Corrie will then introduce Dr. Odeh Muhawesh, CEO and successful
business leader from Plymouth, Minnesota, will then tell of his experiences as
a new immigrant to the Twin Cities. Over
the past 26 years, Dr. Muhawesh has founded several very successful businesses
and established a strong record of growing revenue and developing competitive
products for software and service companies.
He holds a Ph.D. in Comparative Theology from International Theological
Seminary, specializes in theology and modern Middle Eastern history, teaches at
the University of St. Thomas and is an associate of their Muslim-Christian
Dialogue Center.
The remaining programs
will be book-talks based on the following titles. Dr. Debra Beilke and/or Professor Theresa
FitzPatrick will introduce the book with a short summary and a few readings
followed by an opportunity for us to discuss the book. When possible, this will be followed by the
personal story of an immigrant from a Muslim county and/or a panel discussion
by our students.
12, 7:00 pm: Persepolis: The Story of aChildhood, by Marjane Satrapi
11, 2014 7:00 pm: House of Stone: A Memoir of Home, Family, and a Lost Middle East, by Anthony Shadid
5, 10:30 am: BrokenVerses, by Kamila Shamsie
8, 7:00 pm: Dreams of Trespass: Tales of a Harem Girlhood,
by Fatima Mernissi
For more information, see this link: http://libraryguides.csp.edu/muslimjourneysbooks