Hometown: Minneapolis, Minnesota
Psychology Major, Family Studies Minor, Class of 2015
How long have you worked in the library, and what's been your favorite part?
I started in December of 2011, so for three-ish years. My favorite part is just getting to see all the student body. I've made a lot of friends working in the library. Some of the people here, I see their faces every day, and establish relationships with them that way. I love seeing my friends, getting to say hi, and helping customers out. Before I started working in the library, I used to come here every night. When I’m getting down to the wire, the library is my safety net. I know that I can come here and get stuff done.
The library is a really fun place, with a lot of fun people, so don’t be scared to come in and ask a lot of questions, because we love questions!
What is your ideal job after graduation?
In the future I would like to be a Family and Marriage Therapist. I want to work with families who are going through divorce or do premarital counseling. I’m really big on relationships. I am just so interested in them! And then also with the divorce aspect, I've gone through it, so I want to learn more about it and see how I can be a help with it, see how it’s an issue in the world.
Do you have a book recommendation for us?

Looking back on the past four years, what is the thing you are most proud of accomplishing here at Concordia?
Being involved in everything that I've been involved in. Being on cheer, getting a leadership role in psychology club, those are things that I think will help me in the future and they’re also things I can look back on and be proud of doing. And I'm also proud of working hard, getting my degree. Being able to see success afterwards. It’s pretty nice.
What advice would you give yourself as a first-year?
To pace myself and to enjoy a little more. As a freshman, I didn't get too much involved. I was kind of nervous and shy, and now I would tell myself to just embrace everything and be open to everything. Take it one step at a time. It flies by very fast. I can’t believe that this is my senior year. It doesn't even feel like it - it feels like I just got accepted here. It flies by really fast, so make the most of it.
What are you going to miss most about Concordia?
I’m going to miss seeing people. And being close to people, being part of this community and all the activities that go on. I feel like once you get into the real world, it’s harder to stay connected to the people you've built relationships with, and it’s harder to have that community you get from campus events, meeting new people, and socializing. I’ll miss that. I will miss everyone that I've met at the library. It’s going to be sad. Most of these people I've known since my freshman year, so it’ll be weird not coming into the library and not seeing everyone everyday.
Tell me one weird fact about yourself.
I can wiggle my ears. Can you wiggle your ears?